Part of our vision for Qaggiavuut is to be a space that is healing and inclusive to all. This August, Qaggiavuut is beginning the process to increase accessiblity at our office in Iqaluit.
Phase 1: Adding an accessible ramp to the back entrance of the building.
After consulting with a local contractor, we determined the best placement to add an accessible ramp that will wrap the building and connect to our parking area. Qaggiavuut determined that a ramp was a high-priority structural change to meet the current needs of the office and our visitors. This addition will allow visitors with assistive devices and invisible disabilities to have a low-barrier entrance into our office. The ramp is currently under construction and will be completed August 2022.
Above, August 5th: Our contractor's team is working hard to get the ramp in place!
Phase 2: Analysis of building
Qaggiavuut will work with a contractor and other accessiblity experts to identify key areas of the building that need to be updated to support full access. This will likely include the washroom, doorways, room layouts and signage.
Once a plan is in place and funding is secured, Qaggiavuut will keep the public up to date on our progress!